Get Started Hacking Hardware

Hardware hacking is usually seen as a bit of a black art, for those of us who do not come from an electrical engineering background it can seem a bit like witchcraft.

I’ve been trying to dispel this myth a little, hardware is everywhere and getting access to devices may not be as difficult as you think, I spoke at Bsides Lisbon in 2017 about some ways to get ‘into’ hardware hacking.

It’s true that there are some insanely cool hardware hacking techniques and bugs around but there are also some baby steps that can get us pointed in the right direction.


So where to start? The best way to get cracking is probably to just rip apart some old bits and bobs that you likely have lying around, home routers are especially good for this, there’s also the added benefit that old home routers can be nabbed for super cheap on ebay if you somehow don’t have any lying around.

The first thing you’ll want to do is open the case and look at the board, take a look at my UART post, it’s pretty likely that there will be an easily accessibly UART which you can tinker with.


Go break things, have fun!